Ahh, a not so happy bunny pointed out to me that I have been lagging with my blogging. Alas, he was right. As usual, it has been way too long. Anyway here I am. :o) All is going beautifully in this charmed world of mine. Woohooo!
Valentine's Day came and went, and it had the potential to be so very eventful that I actually kinda kept a very low profile on purpose to make sure I didn’t end up in a series of rather sticky situations. Feel free to make a pun. Such is the life of a pimp eh? Or as Ms. Robinson insists on calling me , a ‘floozie’, lol.
So I got to thinking this Valentine’s Day about the day and its celebration. The current trend in thinking begs the question, 'Why are people such little wet-blankets, party-poopers and parade-rainer-on-ers about Valentine’s Day?' Goodness! If the western world wants to explode in a red, white and pink frenzy of balloons, streamers, chocolates and all things fuzzy and cute, then let it!
Why must some people be such 'enlightened' downers? Bah humbug! I am not a big Valentine’s Day person. I don’t go all out for the day, but if people around me want to, I feel no need to climb up on a sanctimonious high horse and lecture all and sundry about the evil nature of the greeting card companies.
I think that nowadays everyone just feels the need to appear as the quintessential free-thinker that goes against the grain and refuses to do something just because most other people are. Hmmm, someone should tell them that if their only reason for not doing something is that every one else is doing it, then they are still letting the mainstream decide their behaviour. That’s not very free-thinking at all.
I do not propose to tell people what holidays they should and should not celebrate, especially those who choose not to celebrate for religious reasons. But just because they choose not to celebrate, does not mean that they need to be rude and obnoxious about it and burst every body else’s pink and white bubble.
Really, what is the big deal about setting aside a day to celebrate romantic love and connectedness? This is not something specific to the West, this day exists in several forms and fashions, on different dates the world over (gotta love wikipedia!). There is a day to celebrate just about everything under the sun, what’s so different about love?
I don’t understand why people think that having a special day to celebrate love belittles love on other days of the year. That reasoning is pretty shaky. Just because your partner buys you balloons on V-day, means that they ‘need’ V-day to exist in order to buy you balloons? No one ever said that just because the day is celebrated, this automatically means that couples need to be reminded to express their love. Please. Yes, we all know that (s)he loves you on every day of the year, what does this really have to do with getting a token on v-day as well? People do not celebrate V-day because they need the calendar to guide their expression of love, they do it cause it’s fun. Goodness folks, take a chill pill - preferably a pink one with a red trimming.
‘V-day was created by the greeting card companies and therefore has no meaning.’ Firstly, no it wasn’t. Wiki says so and wiki knows all. Secondly, I believe that most days of commemoration were ‘created’. What does this have to do with depth of meaning? A holiday has as much meaning as the people observing it give it. It does not come with meaning ready-made.
Look at World Peace Day and Arbour Day. An environmentalist is not a ‘real’ environmentalist if they get into a green frenzy on Arbour Day? People should beat them over the head with tree branches and scornfully announce that they should be handing out green ribbons every day? This doesn’t make sense to me.
The problem would come if they cared about trees ONLY on Arbour Day and the same would apply to V-day and love. But how on earth could people, without any other evidence, conclude that that is the case with any given couple? Just cause people hype something on a particular day, doesn’t mean it’s meaningless on all the others. Days of commemoration do just that – commemorate.
Anyway V-day lovers, I say do your thing and have some red and white fun. Throw red and white heart shaped glitter on Valentine’s grinches and run away laughing with flower petals trailing behind you. Enjoy life peoples. I’m not a huge V-day girl, but more power to the V-day people. More power to the people who may not celebrate but aren’t all stuffy about their choice not too. To all the others, here – have some candy, it may make you sweeeeter.
Valentine's Day came and went, and it had the potential to be so very eventful that I actually kinda kept a very low profile on purpose to make sure I didn’t end up in a series of rather sticky situations. Feel free to make a pun. Such is the life of a pimp eh? Or as Ms. Robinson insists on calling me , a ‘floozie’, lol.
So I got to thinking this Valentine’s Day about the day and its celebration. The current trend in thinking begs the question, 'Why are people such little wet-blankets, party-poopers and parade-rainer-on-ers about Valentine’s Day?' Goodness! If the western world wants to explode in a red, white and pink frenzy of balloons, streamers, chocolates and all things fuzzy and cute, then let it!
Why must some people be such 'enlightened' downers? Bah humbug! I am not a big Valentine’s Day person. I don’t go all out for the day, but if people around me want to, I feel no need to climb up on a sanctimonious high horse and lecture all and sundry about the evil nature of the greeting card companies.
I think that nowadays everyone just feels the need to appear as the quintessential free-thinker that goes against the grain and refuses to do something just because most other people are. Hmmm, someone should tell them that if their only reason for not doing something is that every one else is doing it, then they are still letting the mainstream decide their behaviour. That’s not very free-thinking at all.
I do not propose to tell people what holidays they should and should not celebrate, especially those who choose not to celebrate for religious reasons. But just because they choose not to celebrate, does not mean that they need to be rude and obnoxious about it and burst every body else’s pink and white bubble.
Really, what is the big deal about setting aside a day to celebrate romantic love and connectedness? This is not something specific to the West, this day exists in several forms and fashions, on different dates the world over (gotta love wikipedia!). There is a day to celebrate just about everything under the sun, what’s so different about love?
I don’t understand why people think that having a special day to celebrate love belittles love on other days of the year. That reasoning is pretty shaky. Just because your partner buys you balloons on V-day, means that they ‘need’ V-day to exist in order to buy you balloons? No one ever said that just because the day is celebrated, this automatically means that couples need to be reminded to express their love. Please. Yes, we all know that (s)he loves you on every day of the year, what does this really have to do with getting a token on v-day as well? People do not celebrate V-day because they need the calendar to guide their expression of love, they do it cause it’s fun. Goodness folks, take a chill pill - preferably a pink one with a red trimming.
‘V-day was created by the greeting card companies and therefore has no meaning.’ Firstly, no it wasn’t. Wiki says so and wiki knows all. Secondly, I believe that most days of commemoration were ‘created’. What does this have to do with depth of meaning? A holiday has as much meaning as the people observing it give it. It does not come with meaning ready-made.
Look at World Peace Day and Arbour Day. An environmentalist is not a ‘real’ environmentalist if they get into a green frenzy on Arbour Day? People should beat them over the head with tree branches and scornfully announce that they should be handing out green ribbons every day? This doesn’t make sense to me.
The problem would come if they cared about trees ONLY on Arbour Day and the same would apply to V-day and love. But how on earth could people, without any other evidence, conclude that that is the case with any given couple? Just cause people hype something on a particular day, doesn’t mean it’s meaningless on all the others. Days of commemoration do just that – commemorate.
Anyway V-day lovers, I say do your thing and have some red and white fun. Throw red and white heart shaped glitter on Valentine’s grinches and run away laughing with flower petals trailing behind you. Enjoy life peoples. I’m not a huge V-day girl, but more power to the V-day people. More power to the people who may not celebrate but aren’t all stuffy about their choice not too. To all the others, here – have some candy, it may make you sweeeeter.
Labels: Valentine's Day
At 2:45 PM,
Majatt said…
The visual of running away with flowers trailing was very well written. I felt almost gay picturing it, well done marie...well done. Hmm even without certain people we can still be M&Ms I see... ;)
At 10:26 PM,
Ishmoo said…
bah, humbug!
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