We think we know...
Oh we think we know, but we have no idea.
It is funny how some people are entirely convinced that they are well informed on a particular topic, when their knowledge is as far from accurate as humanly possible.
I read an article on Santanism on wikipedia just recently. (Kindly observe a moment of silence in reverence for the wonder that is wikipedia.) It was interesting, to say the least. The belief system is very, very different to what most people think it is.
Hmmm, these days are funny nights. In these funny nights, we should all pause a second the next time we profess to know so much about any system of beliefs. We can take Islam as another example. Before we indignantly label Muslims as terrorists and proclaim that the tenets of Islam are absurd since we “know all about it”, we should stop and consider that we may be further off course than dear Columbus.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him
We think we know, but we have no idea.
Satanists do not even believe in Satan. How bout them apples?
Disclaimer: For the dim among us, I am in no way linking Satanism to Islam. I am not connecting the two. The point has to do with claiming sound knowledge of other peoples’ beliefs (be is Islam OR Satanism) when we may in fact be ignorant.
Oh we think we know, but we have no idea.
It is funny how some people are entirely convinced that they are well informed on a particular topic, when their knowledge is as far from accurate as humanly possible.
I read an article on Santanism on wikipedia just recently. (Kindly observe a moment of silence in reverence for the wonder that is wikipedia.) It was interesting, to say the least. The belief system is very, very different to what most people think it is.
Hmmm, these days are funny nights. In these funny nights, we should all pause a second the next time we profess to know so much about any system of beliefs. We can take Islam as another example. Before we indignantly label Muslims as terrorists and proclaim that the tenets of Islam are absurd since we “know all about it”, we should stop and consider that we may be further off course than dear Columbus.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him
We think we know, but we have no idea.
Satanists do not even believe in Satan. How bout them apples?
Disclaimer: For the dim among us, I am in no way linking Satanism to Islam. I am not connecting the two. The point has to do with claiming sound knowledge of other peoples’ beliefs (be is Islam OR Satanism) when we may in fact be ignorant.
At 3:08 PM,
RaiSER said…
lol i discovered that about satanism a few years back. It was just one of those things you hear an interesting word you go research about it.. i found it amusing. like aetheist.. thats not what i expected either
At 7:50 PM,
Majatt said…
"He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him"
I love that quote, I first heard it from my Dad and it just stuck with me.
At 10:31 AM,
Leelee said…
People. Hmph. One of my really good friends is Muslim and you know always lamenting how people misinterpret the religion etc. so there am I gaining my knowledge and tolerance...then one night he rile me up so...I was in tears...cuz this same guy who wants me and the rest of the world to see and embrace Islam, in one clean swoop said "Well Hinduism is stupid anyways, I mean how could they REALLY believe in reincarnation" ARGH! I got so mad!!! Be tolerant to you and your beliefs but not to anyone elses? ARGH! ARGH! LoL He became an even better friend though and we are constantly challenging each others systems...
As for your blog...I like to go in thinking "I am a blank canvas...paint me" so I'm always learning...right now learning about the Taleban...quite the interesting read...I'm on to my fourth book on this topic...and I think I am becoming frightenly obsessed. Let's just say I know what the plane fare is to Afghanistan...and it does not help that one of my friends her ein Bim is going there next Feb. to harvest oysters!!! *I love interesting people*
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