The Golden Road
“Once upon a time we all walked on the golden road. It was a fair highway, through the Land of Lost Delight; shadow and sunshine were blessedly mingled, and every turn and dip revealed a fresh charm and a new loveliness to eager hearts and unspoiled eyes. On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances aerial and sweet as a May mist; we were rich in gossamer fancies and iris hopes; our hearts sought and found the boon of dreams; the years waited beyond and they were very fair; life was a rose-lipped comrade with purple flowers dripping from her fingers.We may long have left the golden road behind, but its memories are the dearest of our eternal possessions; and those who cherish them as such may haply find a pleasure in the pages of this book, whose people are pilgrims on the golden road of youth.” ~ L.M. Montgomery
This piece is the foreword to a book entitled The Golden Road by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of prose that I have ever had the good fortune of stumbling across. Montgomery ranks among my favourite authors. Indeed, she drew her inspiration from the poem for which this blog is titled: “The Fringed Gentian”.
I thought the theme fitting for this particular blog, for today I celebrate the beginning of my 22nd year of life. Yes folks, I’m the birthday girl today!
I have long left the golden road of childhood behind. All that I ask however, is that I retain the spirit of hope, wonder, enthusiasm and endless possibilities that characterised that period of my life.
If I can manage to
greet each birthday with as much excitement as I greeted my 10th birthday when I finally hit those double digits
maintain that my possessions are animate and talk to each other when I leave the room
play each hand I am dealt with as much vigour as I played Sticky, Mother May I …?, In a Fine Castle and Brown Girl In the Ring
get excited, REALLY excited about the small pleasures in life like confetti, pretty accessories and new “toys” to play with
love classic literature like how I loved Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew, Baby Sitters’ Club and the Sweet Valley world
let a good bowl of ice-cream, a snowcone or a donut make my day
remember that girls’ clubs NEVER go out of style
curl up under the covers and enter my fantasy world every night before I fall asleep
adore getting all dressed up for special events
walk around arm in arm with my closest friends and never be too old to tell them how much I love them
look forward to church on Christmas eve night and get that special tingle when I walk through the doors
believe that becoming a ballerina/gymnast/superheroine/anything I want to in this world is right within my reach
live for happy surprises
kick off my shoes, throw them in a corner and run wild
stay up all night because I’m so excited about something wonderful that’s going to happen in the morning
never lose the desire to keep learning
blow out the candles on all my cakes and still believe that the wishes will come true
be as happy when I’m dressing for my wedding as I was playing dress-up with my cousins
listen to mummy and auntie cause they know more and they love me
see myself as the heroine in all my fairytales
talk about something amazing that happened over and over and over and let the sheer delight of the memory shine in my eyes
be as proud of my career as I was when I got those gold star stickers for getting 100% in primary school tests
get that same thrill before each of life’s journeys that I did the first time I ever stepped on a plane
and feel the same passion for my husband that I felt for Ace Goodheart, Derk Daring and Captain Planet
then the golden road will never be too far away.
At 11:33 AM,
Majatt said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!, my fellow libra. I hope the A-list treats you to a fab birthday and you stay close to that golden road ;).
At 11:57 AM,
Leelee said…
Princess Patrice, Lady Maribel's kingdom wishes you the greatest bday cheer, the clouds are uber pink and baby blue today, the road is more golden than El's to intellectual feminist research and poetry, SATC dresses and shoes, pretty cocktails and a complimentary "gift" upon entrance to the Planet :P Everything...EVERYTHING you wrote here, I totally agree with and I'll still be holding on to my dreams years from now...and if I can do it (with my 3 yrs on you) then so can you! Confetti, twirls, and oh my passion for my husband has to be like what I had for He-Man and Joe & Frank Hardy (man, even their last name...phew...LOL)
*sulks: I was here first, I read it first, I wanted to be first to comment but the blogger devils won't allow I'm not first...bawlsssssssss damn you Majatt, learn to respect your elders!-end of sulk*
At 12:28 PM,
marie said…
Lady Maribel, my kingdom sends deepest gratitude for such beautiful wishes. I am thoroughly enjoying the clouds in all their fluffiness and delightful hues and I am wearing SATC sunglasses to protect my eyes against the dazzle of that golden road.
I am absolutely sure that you will manage to hold on to those dreams of yours and you will be all the better for it. When the going gets rough, just rest down your cocktail and open the box with your "gift" in it. Hehehehe!
Oooh the Hardy boys. The things I would do to Joe and Frank. I'd be stranded in a dark cave with them anytime and they could explore my secret passage. Hmmm, maybe even throw daddy Fenton into the mix...
Oooh, I'm so baaaad!
At 12:29 PM,
marie said…
Thank you Majatt! *giggle* Libras rule! Yes, the members who are still in the island shall be taking care of me tonight. I really wish everyone was here though 'cause we haven't had birthdays where everyone was in the island for about three years. *sigh* I miss my babies.
For the record, lizzle was here first and she did read it first and message me about it first, so seeing that this is my blog, I hereby declare that her response is first regardless of how it appears on blogger!
At 7:19 AM,
Leelee said…
*woohoo* Accepts the Princess declaration of being here first...
Ahm, Fenton Hardy would get it too...definiteleelee...and I loved Chet Morton, and how sad was it when Iola got killed *tears* What about Ned Nickerson though? There was always something about Ned that didn't really grab me...maybe his name? I always liked when Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys teamed up and it was like "Bye bye Ned, Hullooo Frank" And what happened to both the mothers in these books? I think Nancy's mom was dead, but I can't remember about a Mrs. Mom Hardy? Ah boy...*googles Hardy Boys and comes up with*
At 3:34 PM,
marie said…
Girl, part of my wikipedia addiction included extensive reading on Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. tsk tsk.
Chet Morton huh? I was much never into Chet. Must be that he was chunky and you know I find myself with men on the point of emaciation. *shakes head*
Yes, I believe that there was a mum Hardy.
Oh dear, wha poor Ned eva do you? lol. He was alright to me. I remember one of the books in the Nancy Drew Case Files when Nancy and Ned broke up and I was legitimately sad, lol. That Nancy Frank thing was kinda sexy though...
At 12:00 AM,
CrazyV said…
too many october ppl bout de place.
i still cannot believe de grrl reason she left childhood behind at a mere 22...*thud* clearly is time for me to retire.
/me crawls into my rocker.
i hope ur day was fun and exciting none the less.
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