Hair Woes
I am 70% certain that if someone came up to me right now with a scissors and offered to cut my hair (after recovering of course from the shock of a stranger in my house wielding a scissors) I would take them up on the offer.
I have absolutely no idea what to do with this hair of mine and long discussions on the topic with my mother have yet to yield a satisfactory conclusion. Every potential style has a downside. Grrrrr!
Right now my hair is long and natural. Usually I have it in twists or cornrows, but my hair gets fuzzy so rangate fast that it is impossible to maintain this style for a while without my hair starting to look a mess. I can take my hair being fuzzy; I just usually have to throw some Motions in it and tie it down for a tad and it is returned to decency. What I don’t like is when it keeps me all hot and bothered and makes me feel miserable and sweaty. I am incredibly predisposed to sweating in my head, so exercising in hot-and-humid-as-the-depths-of-hell-itself Bim leads not only to a mess but a sweaty, bothersome mess in a hurry! Arrgggghhh!
My hair takes forever (i.e. days) to un-plait, wash, condition, treat, blow-dry and have re-plait. Argghhh. Not re-plaiting and just wearing ponytails is not an option because there is so damn much hair on my head, that trying to wear it in one without having it plait gives me a nasty headache.
So what to do? Arrrgh! Straighten it? Hmmmm, maybe but I can’t imagine my hair straightened. My hair was natural from birth to the present moment. How odd would it be that at the point where more people are sensibly embracing natural styles, I would be straightening my hair for the first time in all my life? My chronic migraines and I are not fans of purposefully placing chemicals in my cephalic region.
Locks were on the agenda, but that would only make things worse given that I’m trying to avoid a style that retains sweat. From observing my close friends with their locks, it is not the style I want if I need to wash and redo often. With the texture of my hair, it would easily take at least a year for locks to form. Having to wash it so often would disturb the process. It takes a while before locks form nicely and are “easy” to maintain, and the problem of exercise = sweaty head would still be very present if I had long locks.
I know! I should bring back the Jheri curl! No? I didn’t think so either…
What else, what else? Hmmm. Cut it off? Low curly fro? Convenient and easy to wash, style and maintain. B-b-b-b-but th-th-th-then my h-h-h-h-h-h-hair would b-b-b-b-b-be short! I honestly have no idea how I would look with a low cut. If I end up looking hideously atrocious, I shall have to endure looking that way for quite a while. It is a huge step to go from ‘past-the shoulders’ to ‘one-centimetre-long’ in one fell swoop. As much stress as my long hair is now, at least I know it suits my face and that when it IS freshly done, I does be looking correk. Suppose short hair flop and I look closely akin to Quasimodo and, to add insult to injury, end up developing a hunchback from constantly hanging my head in shame?
Hmmm, decisions, decisions! What to dooooo? Arrrgggghhhh!
I am 70% certain that if someone came up to me right now with a scissors and offered to cut my hair (after recovering of course from the shock of a stranger in my house wielding a scissors) I would take them up on the offer.
I have absolutely no idea what to do with this hair of mine and long discussions on the topic with my mother have yet to yield a satisfactory conclusion. Every potential style has a downside. Grrrrr!
Right now my hair is long and natural. Usually I have it in twists or cornrows, but my hair gets fuzzy so rangate fast that it is impossible to maintain this style for a while without my hair starting to look a mess. I can take my hair being fuzzy; I just usually have to throw some Motions in it and tie it down for a tad and it is returned to decency. What I don’t like is when it keeps me all hot and bothered and makes me feel miserable and sweaty. I am incredibly predisposed to sweating in my head, so exercising in hot-and-humid-as-the-depths-of-hell-itself Bim leads not only to a mess but a sweaty, bothersome mess in a hurry! Arrgggghhh!
My hair takes forever (i.e. days) to un-plait, wash, condition, treat, blow-dry and have re-plait. Argghhh. Not re-plaiting and just wearing ponytails is not an option because there is so damn much hair on my head, that trying to wear it in one without having it plait gives me a nasty headache.
So what to do? Arrrgh! Straighten it? Hmmmm, maybe but I can’t imagine my hair straightened. My hair was natural from birth to the present moment. How odd would it be that at the point where more people are sensibly embracing natural styles, I would be straightening my hair for the first time in all my life? My chronic migraines and I are not fans of purposefully placing chemicals in my cephalic region.
Locks were on the agenda, but that would only make things worse given that I’m trying to avoid a style that retains sweat. From observing my close friends with their locks, it is not the style I want if I need to wash and redo often. With the texture of my hair, it would easily take at least a year for locks to form. Having to wash it so often would disturb the process. It takes a while before locks form nicely and are “easy” to maintain, and the problem of exercise = sweaty head would still be very present if I had long locks.
I know! I should bring back the Jheri curl! No? I didn’t think so either…
What else, what else? Hmmm. Cut it off? Low curly fro? Convenient and easy to wash, style and maintain. B-b-b-b-but th-th-th-then my h-h-h-h-h-h-hair would b-b-b-b-b-be short! I honestly have no idea how I would look with a low cut. If I end up looking hideously atrocious, I shall have to endure looking that way for quite a while. It is a huge step to go from ‘past-the shoulders’ to ‘one-centimetre-long’ in one fell swoop. As much stress as my long hair is now, at least I know it suits my face and that when it IS freshly done, I does be looking correk. Suppose short hair flop and I look closely akin to Quasimodo and, to add insult to injury, end up developing a hunchback from constantly hanging my head in shame?
Hmmm, decisions, decisions! What to dooooo? Arrrgggghhhh!
At 10:33 AM,
Leelee said…
I am beating the natural hair now but I am getting a bit bored, was going to come back from Antigua, relax and chop it in one swoop, then I remembered I am scuba diving and beaching it more and chemicals and the beach not working...I got someone else to twist/cornrow my hair and her style was diff. from my usual and once again I am happy with natural hair! I esp. like when I get to beat an afro for the totally at peace with whatever you decide, personally I would stay away from the chemicals...
Throw some pink dye in it if all else fails...or baby blue :P
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have an ingenious idea, buy 2 hats! Wear one all the time and when it smells funky switch to had #2 while #1 is in the wash!
Try asking a hairdresser you trust what to do, like asking a good mechanic whether to fix your car or crash it for insurance money...maybe thats just me...
At 9:13 AM,
marie said…
Marlon behave, lol ... unless you gine buy de hats for me and in that case I want some cute floppy ones, one in pastel pink and one in pastel blue. :)
Alright den Leelee, gotta get my bash on and try some platinum blonde and ting! Wha I ain nuhbody?
At 10:33 PM,
Leelee said…
Well since Marlon buying hats, buy me something too nuh! Thanks...soooooooo what you gine do with it anyways????
At 7:09 PM,
CrazyV said…
nothing wrong with considering chemicals, once u gonna take care of it. dont avoid it just coz ppl all pun this embrace the naturalness nonsense. avoid it coz it makes the most sense for u. and if u never tried it relaxed before, then u dont know if it wont work for u. worse case scenario, u have to cut it and start growing it natural again. which in ur case, might not be such a bad thing coz u'd have a reason to cut it and then when it grows to a length (shorter than currently) u like, u wont feel like u just suddenly had to chop of all that hair to get there.
but if u're sure relaxed is not for u, seriously consider braiding it for a bit. i know a woman who keeps her hair in braids 6 months of the yr and then leaves it natural the other 6 months. and her hair is long and thick. she says sometimes she just doesnt like the hassle, hence the braids. it's something to consider.
oh and if u have someone who loves u, u can always hot comb it from time to time...
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