Miscellaneous Musings
Alrighty then, now for someting light and fluffy after that foray into the morbid and macabre…
I forgot how funny Bring it On was, lol! “This is a cheertatorship!” Leh dem know Torrance. *shakes booty*
Isis, “‘Brr, it's cold in here, there must be some Toros in the atmosphere’? I know you don't think a white girl made that shit up.”
Ya know, I really don’t think that Gabrielle Union is all that good-looking. I mean, the overall package is sexy and all, but narrowing it down to just her face, I’ve seen much prettier faces walking down Broadstreet, thanks.
Legally Blonde had me deading too. “Now, bend and snap! Come on girls, bend and snap! Yes! That’s it!” Doan play wid my girl Elle Woods and dog Bruiser Woods, both Gemini vegetarians, lol! How my girl seriously had a fuzzy pink phone? I near dead. Funny ting is that dem had some girls at college wid me that wasn’t too far from Elle yeah. Sigh.
Deeply contemplating a Brazilian wax. Hmmm, will remind best friend that she wanted to get one and we shall get them together when she reaches Bim. Yaay for bald coochies! Or not. Hmmm, that area is not usually one where one wants to induce voluntary pain. Will rethink idea.
I want some more “chick lit” in manner of Bridget, Devil Wears Prada or Shopaholic. Damn Cave Shepherd would sell dem $10 books for a calm $30. Dem want a slap, das wha. Well in absence of actual new book on Bridget, can always speak in manner of Bridget to make self feel better…
Could I pull off a short hairstyle? Seriously pondering the wisdom of cutting my hair low and dyeing it a red wine colour. Life would be so odd without my hair though, had LONG hair for all my life. Mother and aunt get all nostalgic at the idea, lol. Can’t imagine their “baby girl” cutting her hair. Who knows? Might be a welcome change … or one of those life events that I file in way in the folder labelled “Moderately/Very Bad Ideas”.
I need glasses. There really is no denying it. Everything is decidedly fuzzy. Maybe, just maybe, spending hours and hours gazing at a computer screen had something to do with that. Will get myself some contacts along with my sexy/sophisticated frames though…
Am currently accepting gifts of:
a replacement pair of black reefs
a large, black, casual bag
a small, blue, formal bag
a large, white, casual bag
miscellaneous belts.
The best sex scene that I ever see on TV is the one in Set if Off between Blair Underwood and Jada Pinkett. Dat sooo tiiite! Perfect mix of romantic and sexy. Chaaa. When my boy pour de wine, and start trailing de pearls down she back *swoon*. Doan talk bout de background music, “Hold me tight and don’t let gooooo!” I mean, Blair Underwood did want straddling from de time he was on L.A Law though, but to put him in a scene like dah? De look pun de man face when he did gine in, oh lord. My boy had me feeling glad I was watching de movie home alone…
*mischievous giggle*
At 1:07 PM,
CrazyV said…
Bring it on is one of those quirkily funny shows that i am not ashamed to say i liked. same with Legally Blonde, in fact i just realised i still havent seen LB2. grrr...will have to make nik suffer a chick flick night soon enuff.
i think Gabby is hottt! is not just how she looks but as u say, it's the overall package. something about her personality is just winning! plus she looks like a str8 freak in bed, tho that prolly means she isnt...tsk.
good luck with the wax if u get it. i dont think it's gonna be all that painful. usually when i get a wax, it's the one place that doesnt hurt. unless i got used to the trauma of getting my legs done first. however, i dont see the point of taking it all off. i kinda like my bush, so i'll keep to trimming the sides every now and then.
mmm, blair underwoood....mmmm
At 8:44 PM,
Leelee said…
Blair Underwood deserves everything coming his way. He would be unfaired to the moon and back :) Like Bring it On, but I need to see Sugar & Spice I heard that was quirkier. Legally Blonde, as I said Elle Woods is my hero I mean when I chose my nickname on a certain msg board it was with her in mind, budding lawyer that I was. I fell alseep last bikini wax but I haven't done a Brazilian...maybe I'll go for a mohawk next time *giggle* You have me deading with the lil Bridget Jones thing. Write a book Marie, write a book...and PS. I love how all your links beging with M...you are just so amazing :P
At 11:33 PM,
marie said…
I hope so V-licious, cause when I get my eyebrows waxed, dem first couple uh seconds doan be cute, lol. I donno, I just like the bald look/feel. Makes me feel very Samantha, like I should sit around the house naked, in just heels while drinking a caramel appletini. Hmmm, parents might not be so happy with me using the furniture like that though...hehehehe
Ellie, I watched Sugar and Spice, lol! Just as expected, quirky, crazy, blonde stupidity. Very interesting cast mix too. While we talking blondebusters (i love new words) don't forget Clueless. I din watch the whole movie, but I used to watch the series on Nickelodeon. Doesn't get blonder than Cher and Dionne. :o)
At 7:12 AM,
Leelee said…
As if! Clueless is like only my favourite movie evah! Seriously, I know I like all the foreign fan fare, but Clueless came out my first summer in NY, and I knew it would be great, I came back to Bim and rented it and was not disappointed. One Christmas I wanted to rent it and my brother was like "No no" and turned out I got the video (back in the day). I so need that on DVD. I know all the lines, ALL!
(girls at P.E.)
Dionne: My plastic surgeon said I should refrain from activites where balls fly at my nose.
Amber: There goes your social life.
*giggle* I need to put my hands on my video actually...Clueless used to be the bf tester for me, I'd make them watch it and if they appreciated it on some level then they were long term, if they scoffed they were out of the house faster than you can "What a Barney"
At 12:13 PM,
marie said…
*blonde giggle* Like totally Elle! *files nails delicately* All applicants must be strictly Baldwins, lol.
I was a faithful follower too. I coveted everyone of Dee's outfits and even used to *looks around furtively and whispers* read Clueless books.
Post hibernation, we should have a blondebuster night. :o)
At 7:50 PM,
Splint said…
gabrielle union is extremely hot. your taste in women is suspect.
like crazy v said, its the entire package.
oh LB2 sucked ass. the original was way funnier
At 8:22 PM,
marie said…
Trouble reading splint?
At 6:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
i was very very sleepy when i wrote that
carry on:)
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