The 'F' Word
Mouths drop, eyes widen and questioning glances are exchanged. People shrink back as though they expect me to unsnap my bra, whip it out and set it on fire while performing a chant from a Goddess worshipping sect and denouncing all creatures with penises. Yes, ladies and gentleman, the deadly 'F' word ... feminist.
I am a feminist and very, very proud of it. Whenever I make this statement, I automatically start composing responses to the barrage of questions I'm sure to get. Many of them fall along the lines of "What?! Since when were you one of those?!" or "Why would you want to be that?!"
Sadly, most people equate feminism with the Mary Daly type and call to mind images of large, burly, unshaven women learning how to say "castration" in several different languages, planning the ritualised elimination of the XY chromosome and locking their chastity belts firmly in place. They imagine women who curse on sight of a make-up booth and who screech shrilly when a man dares to hold the door open for them.
Anyone who knows this baby blue loving, 3-inch heel wearing, make-up toting, leg shaving chica knows that that image certainly is not me...nor is it the image my self proclaimed feminist friends. So then how dare we use the F word?
Feminism has many, many denominations. Many feminist theories are about equality, not oppression of any one gender. The one I subscribe to is all about empowering women, not squashing men. It's not about claiming that women are perfect and men are hopelessly flawed. I care about things like equal pay for equal work, gender neutral language, equality in sports funding, support and scholarships, getting rid of glass-ceilings in companies and not having the phrase "...like a girl" or "...like a bitch" be the ultimate insult. I care about male-bias in religion and rape trials where the victim becomes the person on trial. The "slut/whore" vs. "player" double standard bothers me. I like to see women included in the literary canon, the clergy and all that yummy stuff. :o)
The feminists I know carry cosmetic cases, wear cute skirts and giant sunglasses ... or absolutely not, if they don't want to. It's all about freedom of choice, embracing the feminine in whatever way suits us, and however we define it, in order to be comfy, happy and womanly proud. As for man-hating? Are you kidding me?! I adore men. I'm particularly partial to love, marriage, babies and nibbling happily on his yummy obliques. Plus, I would never dream of eliminating men cause then I'd have to purchase a jack-ra...whoops! Uh...never mind. Mosey-ing along...
Looking at this wave of feminism, why would I not want to be a feminist? It's interesting how some people gag at the sound of the word...and then realise that they support most of the principles.
Anyway, I raise my glass of caramel appletini to feminism...and more importantly, to not knocking an ideology until you hear it out. Cheers!
At 3:23 PM,
Splint said…
nothing is wrong with being a feminist.
that said, the media seems to highlight the views of the extreme wing of feminists and the more rational of you seem not to have the patience to counter some of their ilk
what also does not help the cuase of women is how quite a lot of you(not all) are quite selective about the equality you want.
but i am for equal rights for women.any man who has a mother, sister, daughter or wife, female friend should be
At 10:08 PM,
Leelee said…
Lawyer McDreamy asked me if I was a feminist, a lesbian and a vegetarian...in one convo...done it up! I guess most independent women who can do things without a guy on their arm (I travel to "far away" countries and islands alone, I go to restaurants and cinemas alone etc.) intimidate some ppl and immediately they throw the label out...you must be "gay" you must be "artsy" you must be "sporty" "trendy" etc. Like goodness gracious me if you are a bit of everything...oh no that would make you schizophrenic...
I really embraced feminism and learnt a lot more about it during my MA as my friend Nevin proudly declares herself a feminist and schooled me on literature etc. yet she was the girliest of girls and the hottest most fashionable chick on the course...all this to say is...once again (like a broken record) I get what you are saying and I can't find even a full stop to have a differing opinion on!
At 1:47 AM,
marie said…
Oooh, I like the sound of this Nevin chica! Volunteering at the Women's Center at my college and taking Professor Donna Freitas' Women's Spirituality class inspired me to officially embrace the label. :o)
*sips on caramel frescante with whipped cream*
Yay feminism! :o)
At 11:44 AM,
CrazyV said…
to be honest i never really thought about feminists and suffragistes etc. i i wouldnt use those terms to describe me in the least. i am all for equal rights but not just for women but for all humans. if a man thinks he should bring home the bread and butter and be the provider, i dont see why not as long as he gives his wife the option to choose if she wants to stay home. i dont think women should get all flustered when faced with this question like dem corns get mash. just tell de man what u want to do and move wid dat. is all about recognising the man has as much right to ask such a thing as a woman has the right to refuse such a thing. everyone has rights. and lefts too it seems....just doan use them to cause fights. :)
hooray for solo movie goers!!! \o/
At 3:20 PM,
marie said…
That's the thing though crazyv, most feminists would call exactly what you just described feminism - the right of the woman to choose whether she waan stan home or not, and equal rights all around, for everyone involved.
At 12:42 AM,
CrazyV said…
so if it is equal rights all around, how can the movement be called feminism?? lol. seems a bit limited and almost chauvinistic...the label i mean..:O
At 2:43 AM,
marie said…
Cause it starts from the premise that, as it is now, women are not generally afforded the same rights as men (especially in de USA, oh loss i does waan sin my soul! *sigh* thank goodness it is not as bad in Bim) so its called feminism, cause it's focused on bringing women up to the same status i.e promoting the feminine to the same level as the masculine.
Common imagery would be a pair of scales (yaay Libras!) with weights on them, where the scale for females has fewer weights than the scale for males. The aim is to add on to the female side of the scale so the two are level instead of taking away from the male side, so das why the name puts the focus on the female side (cause das where ya adding) so they call it feminism and not something icky like de-masculinism.
At 6:14 AM,
Leelee said…
I wud de-masculinise you....ewww that sound gross fuh real...the image of the scale made me think of the OLD Bar Association logo...and now we have a NEW one...*giggle* I HATE losing bets...! *giggle giggle*
Will have more to say on feminism...but basically so many things are gender biased (towards the male) that the "feminist" label seeks to redress that...(my opinion)
At 9:35 AM,
Splint said…
lizzle, be more specific.
what are these things that are so gender biased towards men?
At 5:21 PM,
Leelee said…
Splint, I know you didn't go to Kolij just for the lunch...
At 7:41 PM,
Splint said…
lunch rules lizzle :)
but i simply asked you to point out these areas. i didnt say i disagreed with you
/now off to those sandwiches
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