Des Cendres Aux Cendres...
Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. - Robert Bolt
Today I’m feeling curiously torn between meditations on my own mortality and outbursts of laughter at the giggle-inducing shows I have been watching, namely Bring It On and Legally Blonde. Let’s compromise shall we? Contemplation for the sake of catharsis, followed by a patented Elle Woods 'bend and snap' to clear my mind.
During the senior week celebrations leading up to my college graduation, one of our number passed away on Mothers’ Day. There we were, bedecked in our formal wear (black and silver for yours truly) and waiting on the ship that was to take us along Lake Champlain for the senior week ‘booze cruise’ when most of the senior class received the devastating news. Laughter turned to silent sobs and hysterical tears as we held hands and prayed for his safety. All we were told was that his body was missing in the Winooski River, a luckless consequence of a capsized canoe. Just the night before we received this gut-wrenching news, he was playing in the band at one of our senior week parties. We held a prayer service for him in the chapel that night. The next day his body was pulled from the Winooski River. He was 21 years old.
A young Barbadian male lived a year with one foot in the grave: having refused to drive with his friends who met their deaths last year, he was snatched away from us by the maws of the sea.
Today I wept for another friend that passed away a few years ago. At the tender age of 18, ovarian cancer claimed her life. Just recently in the news, a 17 year old boy was shot, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A 29 year old male of my mother’s acquaintance died tragically about a month ago, and a 26 year old son of a coworker is currently battling cancer.
When did the proverbial lifespan drop from 3 score and 10? When did funeral masses become commonplace for people barely old enough to walk into a bar? It saddens, distresses and above all scares me. I am quite sure that these people saw long, full lives ahead of them. Just like us, they were drunk on the wine of youth and basking in the giddy delirium of perceived immortality. I doubt that they rose from their dreams and seriously entertained the thought, 'I could die today.' The mocking hand of irony proved them horribly wrong.
The unkind paradox however is the sense of security we reasonably have, coupled with a plausible sense of uncertainty. That is to say that, death at this age actually is rather unlikely. So although we glibly repeat maxims like ‘Live each day like it’s your last!’ we rarely do, since it is statistically unlikely to be. Young, seemingly healthy people do not usually die; hence young deaths stand out as particularly dreadful. On the other hand though, we cannot help but think that those who fell victim to the Grim Reaper probably embraced that same argument … until their eyes were forever closed.
If we were made to know our last day among the living, what would we do? Which bridges would we mend? Whose forehead would we kiss? Who would we contact and beg for forgiveness? Who would we remember fondly, bitterly or not at all? Who would we thank simply for being there? Would we wish that we had more often thrown caution to the wind, dismissed practicality and grabbed happiness in this life where it presented itself?
So what now? We could resolve to live each day like it really is our last, or we could quite logically conclude that the statistics are on our side and that we are unlikely to drop dead in our sleep or be mowed down by a masked gun(wo)man. Funny thing is though, the statistics were on their side too…
At 10:15 AM,
Leelee said…
So I read your blog and want to cry? We do say "live it like your last" but we hardly ever do. I realised this weekend I have no time and cannot hold on to grudges or stuff that happened in the past. I have to free myself from these "shackles" of "I ain't speaking to she cuz..." There are people that you will not speak to because...just because whatever happened etc...but I have managed to remember them in positive lights and not as the jackasses they really are :) I am more conscious of my actions, and more often than not I do get hurt because well I am too nice, not that I let ppl walk over me, but I treat people like how I would want to be treated, and in turn my own mortality is crushed by their actions. Lizzle is always the shoulder to cry on, the hugger etc. but who is gonna give me a shoulder and let me be the huggee? Hmmm...Elle Woods my hero :)
At 1:04 PM,
marie said…
Yeah, this blog was kind of a bummer, lol. Not really a "feel good" read.
Spot on Elle. There are people that really do not deserve a place in our lives and should be eliminated from it for our own health and sanity. I strongly believe that.
Sometimes we have to wonder how we would view things if we didn't have the luxury of time, and knowing that other people that we left along the way would always be there to "catch up with at some point".
Aww, Leelee. I feel like the perpetual hugger sometimes too. Mais je te promis, there will always be étreintes pour mon âme-sœur Leelee!
At 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Difficult topic to talk about sometimes but I see you've handled it with as much grace as you do any topic. Living for everyday seems selfish, people always get it in their head that it involves doing things that they could 'get away' with if they didn't have to face tomorrow. If you can, however, live for today and you don't do anything that you can't live with tomorrow then I think your doing a pretty good job at life.
At 9:13 PM,
CrazyV said…
dear me...and ppl wonder why i think my world revolves around sex....this is coz it's a happier world. with sex in the equation, i dont ever feel like i'm missing out on something.
oh u went to disney world? that's great, i had sex last nite. what's that u say, u won a million dollars? that's super but i had sex last nite.
it may sound crude but one really has to live one's life to its fullest and not someone else's fullest, but ur own. so right now my life is full. i could, in all honesty, die tomorrow and not regret a thing.
lizzle, i know u're hurting babe and i am always here for u as well as others, but the truth is i cant offer u what u want. just know when u get it, i'll be here for u to complain about it. hehehehe
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