"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth. "
--Robert Southey
Sitting in TH 103. Cuddled on the futon. Books and papers scattered all around me. My beloved friends distracting me with endless banter. I love them so much that I do not even wish to entertain the thought of different paths separating us after graduation. Life is full of sad goodbyes.
Here's to the future my darlings where I am sure we will meet again:
visiting my S. in the neo-natal ward at the hospital and being a bridesmaid at her wedding to K.
BBQs on the White House lawn the week after my T. is sworn into office
hopping on plane to Bangladesh to visit M. at his huge computer enterprise
bumping into N. somewhere in this crazy world of ours at some rally for some oppressed group...and being gleefully roped into yet another cause.
This list could go on forever...
You folks have my heart...I hope you know that.
At 6:55 AM,
Leelee said…
Welcome to my world... :) And you better be putting me in your suitcase for all these trips...Bangladesh sans moi? I don't think so! One journey ends so you can begin the next, and I know you will miss them, but their loss is my gain mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mash it up and send me some cool grad pics!
At 7:50 AM,
Ana said…
I am at a loss to who this is...hmmm
At 8:45 AM,
Leelee said…
"The sky is falling" said Chicken Little.
Hahahaha poor Ana sounds real concerned by the fact she doesn't know who this is...I'm sure you will have super sleuths on the case and have it solved in 24 hrs... :) My question is how did you know where to look, I only JUST linked it so it has to be from somewhere else! *amazed*
Smaller and smaller...smaller and smaller...*giggle*
At 2:01 PM,
CrazyV said…
omg who is this loser who thinks she must know everybody in blogger land? o_O
what difference does it make if u know who this is or not. the real question should be who the heck are u and why r u posting on someone's blog who CLEARLY doesnt even know u. and u didnt even introduce urself. manners are sooooo lacking in youth these days. hmmmmm indeed
At 3:12 PM,
Ana said…
CrazyV what is ur issue? Who is this loser?? R u serious?? LOL. I clicked the link to check it out from a friend's site (not u Leelee I saw it on Rog's site :P) The young lady seemed familiar and I was wondering if it was an old friend of mine. I am sure if the young lady had an issue with my making the comment then SHE would have said so. Who the hell are you to be rushing to her rescue? The fire brigade? Down Porpy.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
That'll do, pig. *GRIN* That'll do.
At 5:17 PM,
CrazyV said…
Ana, now when exactly did we become "familiar" enuff for u call me Porpy??
and u were showing loserish tendancies with that comment coz if as u say Marie seemed familiar to u, then why didnt u just ask her who she is? u may not have realised it but ur comment came off a bit pompous as tho she should have introduced herself to u. may have been just the wording but that's how it seemed to me.
i wasnt rushing to nobody's rescue, i merely commented on ur comment. btw, fire brigades out fires, and if anything i was starting one being the online instigator i love to be sometimes, so clearly u dont know Porpy as well as u'd like to imply. hehehehe
grrl address me like a dog and banish me to de deeps, dread. i gone boh. i wonder if she ent realise i like cats.. :\
At 8:06 AM,
Leelee said…
A porpoise, a pig, a dog and a cat? The Fringed Zoolander perhaps?
I feng-shui-ing up in here Fringed Gentian...the aura is not good *tut tut*
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